With many entrepreneurs working from home, it’s a constant struggle to balance your work and your life. From taking work calls while picking your kids up from school to sending emails while on vacation the boundaries start to blend and we end up losing ourselves. Which then leads to unproductive days and eventually burnout.

As a team of over 100 administrative experts based all across the country, who have been completely remote since day one, we’ve come up with 5 ways to nurture yourself during the day. Specifically on your lunch break.

First, make the most of your lunch hour. That’s right, take your lunch! 

Tip 1: Step away from your workspace - this helps your brain switch out of work mode.

Tip 2: Eat - choose filling home-cooked meals when you can.

Tip 3: Move your body - protect your body from stress-induced illnesses through low-intensity cardio or 15 minutes of stretching. Rest and recharge by doing 10min of meditation.

Tip 4: Connect with a friend - send a text, email, or pick up the phone.

Tip 5: Home maintenance - take a few minutes to tidy your space or put dishes in the dishwasher. By spending a few minutes each day cleaning your space it keeps clutter at bay. 

We understand how busy and unpredictable life can be, but by setting boundaries and making yourself a priority, you’re better able to show up in your business. You’ll be more creative and in the zone. Life is hard enough, self-care doesn't have to be.

Ready to take some things off your plate? Book a complimentary call and we’d be happy to discuss your needs and where we can step in to help.

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