Five Characteristics You Need in a Fractional Executive Assistant

Not all fractional executive assistants are the same. At ChatterBoss, we like to think of our assistants as mini Chief Operating Officers helping you navigate the back office of your business.  We help take you out of the trenches and truly step into your role as the owner of your company.

I've been helping to support executives, entrepreneurs, and other high performers with great assistants for over a decade, and have matched over 200 executives with a fractional executive assistant they love.

Here are the five most important qualities to look for in a fractional executive assistant for a thriving, long-lasting relationship.

1. They are willing to push back.

A good assistant is like the gatekeeper of your schedule. They will keep you from burying yourself in commitments and push back when you start to over-commit yourself.

2. They set up and manage great systems.

In order to scale your business, you need a set of procedures and processes. Your assistant will document and systematize these things, so you’re not always reinventing the wheel or spending time training new employees.

3. They know what’s on your plate.

Your assistant should know what you’re dealing with, what’s critical to your success, and what is detrimental. This allows them to keep you focused on the high-level, income-producing activities and decline or delegate the rest.

4. They respect your confidentiality.

Your assistant will have access to sensitive information. It’s critical that your EA is trustworthy and discrete.

5. They have great communication skills.

Your assistant will interact with everyone from vendors to potential clients.That means they'll nee good communication skills to respond to and follow up with messages, and also create regular, predictable patterns of communication with you to keep you efficient and productive.

Thinking about hiring an executive assistant or VA? I recommend diving into our free masterclass for a comprehensive primer on everything you need to save time, make more money, and avoid burnout with a great assistant

Already know you need to hire an assistant? Book a complimentary call. My team is happy to discuss your needs and where we can help.

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