Struggling to complete a task? Does the siren song of your phone stop you from getting things done? You know you need to just sit down and get to work but find a million reasons not to. 

We understand. It’s a daily battle that many entrepreneurs struggle to overcome. But here at ChatterBoss, we’re your in-house productivity experts and today we’re sharing an insider tip. You can actually trick your brain into the sense of urgency you need to get things done. It’s true!


  • Set a timer for 25 minutes. Remove your phone, TV, and any other distractions from your workspace. Plug in your headphones, turn on your “do not disturb” settings, and make sure you have room for true focus.⠀
  • As soon as you press “start” on your timer, challenge yourself to get as much done on your project as you can before time runs out. ⠀
  • As soon as the timer ends, take a 10-minute break and reward your body with something that releases a little dopamine: a snack, a quick stretch, or a walk outside. ⠀
  • We DON’T recommend social media or TV as a brain reward. These release too much dopamine and are easy to get “stuck” on.⠀

This time-saving technique comes from the Pomodoro Method, and we use it daily here at ChatterBoss.

Ready to build your business in 2022? Book a complimentary call and we’d be happy to discuss your needs and where we can step in to help.

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